Ninth Letter Publication 

Ninth Letter is an arts and literary journal. The school of Art and Design at the University of Illinois and the English department work collaboratively to put this work together.



For issue 11.2, designer Bella Reinhoffer and I proposed this issue's theme, 1960's air travel. We saw each story as a trip to a different time and place and wanted to relate that visually through airports, which are places of constant arrival and departure. Other themes I explored were waiting and baggage. I did these through illustration and photography. These illustrations were not used in the final publication, but helped me explore the overlaying on 2D imagery on photography.


Our theme this year was 3-D, of which I was a part of coming up with. My physical contribution was done alongside Brian Lorenz in creating the staff photo section of the journal, which highlights designers that were in the class. To view our design the viewer needed to look through a pair of 3-D glasses that were provided in the beginning of the journal. The separate blue and red colors masks some of the faces and names, making the individuals visible.
